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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where R Revision wheels made?

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i have a bet with my friend he says Revision wheels r made overseas i believe they r made in USA?? anybody out there know where they r poured and the name of the company that pours them??


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umm when i was working in a hockey shop the 1st lot where much better quality then the recent ones. I beleive the prototypes were made in the USA but once they went into production to cut costs they sent them to china. The quality control isnt great, we had wheels coming through still with the plastic core offset on the wheel on the left over core still on and not been cut off.

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Look under contact on their website. They are based in California. I wrote a research report on European roller hockey, co-designed their promo booth and did some graphics, etc.

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Yea it looks like they are poured in Cali. I did a little research and it looks like AEND Industries Inc. is related to Revision in some way (boxes are shipped from there, address is listed there, phone number message says "AEND Industries"). Anyways according to this site AEND Industries "manufactures processed plastics" aka pours wheels.

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Thank you Tim and Sean and Jeff for helping answer the question. These guys are all correct. Revision Hockey is based at Aend Industries in Huntington Beach, California. The entire wheel is manufactured at this facility. We have our own injection mold machines which make the cores, and we pour the urethane here as well as all the cutting, trimming and washing. So we are 100% made in the USA. Like any wheel company quality control is of the utmost importance to us. We do our best to make sure there is as little variation as possible on our pours. Although some batches do end up better than others as pouring urethane is a very fragile process. If any of you experience warranty issues be sure and contact me at nabeel@revisionhockey.com and we will take care of them for you.

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