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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mario gets $21M

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Let me get this straight.

Mario signs contract with deferred payments, retires before playing out the length of the contract, team goes bankrupt, he gets control of the team in lieu of money owed to him and remaining for seasons not played, now he gets $21M and gets to keep his ownership interest?

Damn, that's pretty good. Especially considering how much he made as an exec for a while.


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Worth every penny. It's Mario freaking Lemieux for chrissakes.

There's hockey in Pittsburgh because 66 is there. They should make him mayor.

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No problem with that, he invested everything he got before into the team. He kept the franchise here.

JeffW- Mario the mayor? What's wrong with the borderline juvenile delinquent running the city now :P

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