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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When should you change a skate blade?

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Sorry if this has already been addressed. Could not find it in a search.At what point should you change a skate blade short of "skating on plastic"? I once read that when it reached 1/4 in., that it should be changed, but maybe I dreamed it? Any optimal time according to the resident skate experts? Thanks in advance.

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when you start to catch plastic when you make a turn

But I would like to change them BEFORE I catch plastic.It would not be a good thing to catch plastic in a game.So,approximatly how much blade would you say to have a safety margin? 1/4 in or so?

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i find a way to tell for me if the steel is to short is if i put my pressure on my heel and the toe of my skate is tilted in the air and if i slid on plastic it is to short if there is steel there its good.

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Ok thanks guys. I usually ask my sharpener but maybe I'm too paranoid and want a NUMBER, lol.

I'm pretty sure if you have a competent sharpener, he'll point out to you if your steel is withering away.

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