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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hotmail problems

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Hey, I've been on vacation in Miami for the last week and a bit and I just got a chance to get on the computer for the first time. I'm having a problem signing in to my hotmail account. Anyone else have this problem? I couldn't find a topic about it that's why I'm asking. Now it's not letting me sign in because I've made too many sign in attempts. Could I be having this problem if my account inbox is full? It's really bugging me. Thanks.

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Someone could be trying to hack into your account. Never got that error message from hotmail, but there's usually a login delay or account suspension to prevent people from creating automated password hacks.

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Hmmm.... normally I'd say that it's a security feature where you try to log in too many times from a differing IP address, but being as hotmail is meant to be accessed anywhere, I doubt that's the reason. My next guess would be browser settings, but that error message wouldn't suggest that be the problem.

Got me stumped. Anyone else?

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You would think it would give an error message to your dad as well. Then again, hotmail has more bugs than a bait shop.

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I just got home and cleaned up my inbox. I got in through messenger fine, and now it seems like I can login through hotmail.com to. I just didn't understand why I wasn't able to get in.

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