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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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BSB Swiss vs Micro Ti

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Tried a search on it....and didn't find anything conclusive. Background: On my Code 1's about 8-10 hours a week between reffing, coaching and playing on an outdoor painted surface. Looking for a new set of bearings, but confused as to the pros/cons of the Ti bearings. My logic: Titanium does not rust or absorb moisture and thus would be advantageous for myself in an outdoor/uncontrolled environment. Is my logic heading in the right direction, or would the precision of the Swiss bearings be better for myself? Also bear in mind the pricing on this site:


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

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For outdoor use get abec 3's.

Unless your a machine you can't reap the benefits of abec 9 or swiss bearings over abec 3's.

Abec 3's are less precise than higher level bearings, thus they are in theory a little more durable, since it should take more dust etc to screw them up.

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Yeah....with the amount of time that I spend on them I am looking for longevity. I am definately intrigued by Swiss bearings as I have heard great things about them, but not sure if they are right for my situation.

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Titamium bearings are garbage. I had a set and they didn't even spin well even after being broken in. Had my swiss for over a year and havent even cleaned them. They are still going extremely strong.

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I'd go for the swiss solely for the fact that micros are quite a bit worse in terms of durability in general. I don't know how the titaniums stack up, but in my experience, the micros don't stand the test of time. Add in the fact that you'll be playing outdoors and it doesn't look good.

From what I've heard, the swiss lites are just about as good as the originals, but you save a few beans in the process.

I've been playing outdoors running the same set of Bevo Abec-7s from my Tour Beemers for about 3 years now, maybe cleaned them once, and they're fine.

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Good info. Yeah.....I have been discouraged by the Bevo's that came in my Code 1's. I seem to completely disassemble them, degrease, clean, dry, relube them every 4 weeks. Too much of a hassle. Sounds like I just need to pick up a set of the Swiss'. Thanks for the info.

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