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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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did anyone know Bauer Shift?

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I was asking to buy bauer supreme 6000 shin pad (i have a 30% off by ordering from my friend owner of a hockey shop)

and he answer me back by telling me that the bauer shift would be a better buy

I never heard about shift....So did any one know some thing about them??

maybe he was confusing and did a mistake and wrote shift :blink: i do a small search on internet and never found any thing about them!

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It's an SMU product. I believe the Vapor shift skates were butween the XX and the XV, if that's any help. I would expect the shin pads to be be near top of the line but a bit below.

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It's an SMU product. I believe the Vapor shift skates were butween the XX and the XV, if that's any help. I would expect the shin pads to be be near top of the line but a bit below.

If that's the case.. those are the skates I saw at my LHS a few months ago. I couldn't figure out what the hell kind of model they were and didn't have any XX or XV logos so I did not know what they were. Makes sense now as it was a source for sports store.

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that what the guys told me it like the vector 7.5 SMU better then 6000 and a bit lower then the top end line....but i never tried so i wanna know if they pretty fit the same!!!

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