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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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4 roll easton gloves

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does anyone know a site that sells 4 roll style easton gloves similar to the ones most NHL guys use. also what palms do you guys think are good. we just got some in with horse palms they feel nice but are a bit on the thick side. The black palms feel nice on the sample but its hard to know unless its in an actual glove. Correct me if im wrong but this seems to be the #1 glove in the NHL. Also im pretty sure the deal is that if you want to use an easton stick and choose from one of eastons 15 or so pro curves you are free to use whatvever gloves you want, but if you want your own modified curve you have to use easton gloves in the NHL

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