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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking ?

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I'm just curious, I'm thinking whether I'm going to grab a pair of hockey skates and convert them over, or buy a pair of actual inline skates.

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Actually you usually don't have to remove the wheels. The ovens don't get so hot that they affect the wheel or bearings. The LHS that you do it at should know what to do, so do what they say... but I haven't had to remove my wheels for quite a few years.

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Yea, I forgot to mention that... but you are totally right skooled, you are not supposed to skate in them for 24 hours. I am not sure if it is because of the wheels though.

If I remember right I think it has something to do with allowing the glue/bonding materials in the boot to cure again after being loosened by the heat so that the boot doesn't break down prematurely.

The same thing could affect the wheels but I am pretty sure the urethane in the wheels has a much higher tolerance to heat, so they would not really be effected by the relatively low heat of a real skate oven. I think the same goes for the chassis, the Al/Mg shouldn't be effected by the oven heat for very long.

Of course if you decide to use your own oven or whatever, then all bets are off.

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Yes 604bullet... If you skate in them long enough they should mold to your feet. The reason for baking them is to speed up the break in process. Baking is not actually necessary.

There are probably a hundred reasons not to use skates for 24 hours after baking. One more that I can think of would be possible lubricants in the bearings. Take the wheels off, no risk involved.

The short answer to the question at hand, yes, they should be heat moldable skates, however, it's hard to say for sure because no particular brand or model was mentioned.

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