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buying a new tv

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i did search a found nothing. so i'm looking to spend 2000- 2500, would like 46' inchs. what brands do you recommend and features should i look for?

any help would be great. thanks. ;)

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My parents have a WinBook model from MicroCenter, both those and the Sceptre look good for the money. The Sharp Aquos 46" is $1700, that should be good as well. Then again, I'm not HUGE into TV's, just like something that has a good picture.

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Pioneer Plasma.

I'd roll with any Sony tv they are all well built and have excellent picture.

Might as well save yourself some money and get a Samsung as they make Sony's panels.

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Pioneer Plasma.

i wouldn't get a plasma if your going to play video games on it though. but for plasmas pioneer is the best and lcds sony or samsung

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i wouldn't get a plasma if your going to play video games on it though. but for plasmas pioneer is the best and lcds sony or samsung

Its fine to game on new plasmas. Old(er) generations, not so much. Most, if not all, have pixel shifting to eliminate burn-in from even starting. If it does, they have a pixel wash feature.

I've logged many many hours on mine. Not even the slightest hint of burn-in occurred.

Picking up the 60" Pioneer Kuro on Wednesay.

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i wouldn't get a plasma if your going to play video games on it though. but for plasmas pioneer is the best and lcds sony or samsung

Its fine to game on new plasmas. Old(er) generations, not so much. Most, if not all, have pixel shifting to eliminate burn-in from even starting. If it does, they have a pixel wash feature.

I've logged many many hours on mine. Not even the slightest hint of burn-in occurred.

Picking up the 60" Pioneer Kuro on Wednesay.

damn that is like $6500 right? still not nearly as expensive the 70" XBR. Is this a typo or what. $33,000 seems unreal?

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damn that is like $6500 right? still not nearly as expensive the 70" XBR. Is this a typo or what. $33,000 seems unreal?

Ferrari of Central NJ has a 104" plasma. I believe they said the setup was worth around 175k.

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I have a 32" Vizio in my room and I think its a great TV. Great picture, great quality, great price.

It's nothing like the high-end Sony's, Samsung's, Pioneer's, etc...but for the pricing they are a damn good LCD TV.

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I have one of the Sony XBR 46" and it is used as both my main tv and my computer monitor (wireless mouse and keyboard on my coffee table). It has been great with HDMI connections for both my computer and DirecTV. Had it a couple of years now....and still operates perfectly.

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When i first went looking for a lcd I thought samsung made the best t.v's so i picked up a 40 inch 1080p. I took it home, set it up and was not happy with what i got from my money spent. Ended up taking it back and getting a 37' Sharp Aquos and it was the best decision I could of made. Far superior picture.

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Interesting article about Vizio, SRI.

I was waiting at Wal-Mart as I was having the oil changed, so I browsed the TV's. The one that caught my eye as having a good enough picture -- and a lot of size for the price -- was the Vizio. Also, I had seen their boxes many times at Costco and they are graphical, as the article suggests. The point being that three years after first starting to see them, they've done such a great job with their marketing and penetration that I no longer was thinking of them as an off brand, but instead one of the obvious brands to consider.

pwrfrd26, you should read the reviews at Epionions. There are 54 flat panel TV's between 46"-50" and over $2100. Once there, you can sort by LCD, plasma, brand, ratings, whatever.

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Interesting article about Vizio, SRI.

I was waiting at Wal-Mart as I was having the oil changed, so I browsed the TV's. The one that caught my eye as having a good enough picture -- and a lot of size for the price -- was the Vizio. Also, I had seen their boxes many times at Costco and they are graphical, as the article suggests. The point being that three years after first starting to see them, they've done such a great job with their marketing and penetration that I no longer was thinking of them as an off brand, but instead one of the obvious brands to consider.

pwrfrd26, you should read the reviews at Epionions. There are 54 flat panel TV's between 46"-50" and over $2100. Once there, you can sort by LCD, plasma, brand, ratings, whatever.

thanks bro. that was good info.

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Yes, I'll bet many name brand and cheaper TV's use the same screen, possibly different "guts" though (if anyone remembers the Tom Hanks SNL skit).

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Looks like I'm a bit late to the topic, but I just wanted to add that paying the premium for 1080p at anything less than ~50" isn't worth the difference in price that you'd get over a 1080i or even a 720p. The overall picture area just isn't there to make a difference to even the above average eye on a smaller panel.

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I'll throw my late $.02 in since you've already purchased the Samsung...

I have a 32" Samsung LCD and a 40" Samsung LCD, neither are 1080p, and they've given me nothing but perfect service. I've had the 32" for 2 years and the 40" for a little less than a year and they're both flawless and have no hiccups whatsoever. I think you'll be very happy with your choice! Getting a new TV is one of the most satisfying, and most ridiculously indulgent experiences ever. Enjoy! Haha.

Also, just in case someone searches for this thread in the future, in my experience there is no better way to pick a new set than to go to a place with a lot of them and stare at them for 30 minutes plus. clarkeBOH mentioned he had a Samsung and was much happier exchanging it for the Aquos and I had the exact opposite experience. The point is, your eyes determine what picture looks best to you, and if you're paying, don't worry about hype, just buy the quality set that looks like it has the best picture to your eyes!

Sorry for the long post, guys. :)

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