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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shorter hosel + standard shaft = lower kick point

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I was wondering, I know that the tapered blades have a shorter hosel for a lower kick point, so I was wondering if I were to cut / shave down the hosel on a standard blade if it would do the same thing ? In doing this, am I in any way risking damaging the shaft ?

btw; I did do a search

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i don't think you'd be doing any real damage to the shaft, but shaving down a wood blade might be a detriment to its durability.

the Easton Synergy ST blade is meant for standard shafts, but is much shorter, similar to a tapered blade. although i haven't tried combo-ing this blade to my AK27 shaft, i've got a buddy who swears by them. they retail for less than a standard composite blade, but are obviously a little pricier than wood blades.

give it a shot, and be sure to give feedback!

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If you shave down the hosel on the blade you won't hurt the shaft, but the blade hosel won't be as strong, I found. You can get shorter hosel standard blades though, like CCM blades and the newer Easton carbon blades. I find when using a shorter hosel standard blade in a standard shaft, the shaft is more whippy, but the flex isn't as concentrated as a OPS or tapered set-up. Just my 2c

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I want to go wood blade tho, I want the feel of the wood. Otherwise Id just grab a OPS

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