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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Ms McGill latest sighting

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Just saw the Mark Wahlberg movie "Four Brothers" on cable last night. Anyways his adopted mum gets shot in the movie and I couldn't figure out where I'd seen her before. Well it turns out she is the same actress who played Miss McGill, though much older these days.

On my search for pictures I found this blog from Vancouver, great stuff that I thought I would share.

Your Daily Cold Slap Of Reality: Miss McGill

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His skating wasn't that bad for such a green horn, although in retrospect, perhaps it was a double.

Just out of interest, what sort of hollow does Marky Mark skate on JR? :P

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That was the thing, we couldn't call him Marky Mark. Apparently he's sensitive about that whole thing.

He had skated as a kid, but hadn't in a long time. The funny thing was he was skating at our rink during the lunch open skate and nobody knew who he was.

Did them at 1/2".

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Must be that thing Mack was telling me about guys not liking their name with a Y on the end. Strictly a US/Ca thing as we call our token Canadian; on the ice team, Marky. ;)

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