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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whats is the equivalent to Futureshop and Best Buy in the U.S. Preferably in the buffalo area, and are HDTV a lot cheaper down there or no?

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There are Best Buys in the U.S. as well. Circuit City is a place worth a look, too. As far as price, I'm not sure, as I've never really thought pricing HDTV's in Canada was an interesting hobby... not that I'd judge anyone who DID... :P

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You have a few options around here - probably the best of which would be the Best Buy right on the (Niagara Falls) Boulevard; about 1/4 mile off of the 290. There are a few other stores that might be worth a look, too, but I've always had solid experiences with the boys and girls at Best Buy: I'm technologically retarded (EXTREMELY rare affliction for someone as young as myself), the people at Best Buy have always been able to give me a hand whenever I needed some direction with a purchase.

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Do your homework wherever you decide to buy. I got mine for $300 off the listed price. If you are dealing with a "authorized dealer", their costs should be roughly the same. I saw mine as low as $800 on the net for a LCD that the store wanted $1100. I walked in and said I want that TV and I have $800 in my pocket right now. I am going to buy a TV somewhere TODAY, so if you want the sale, let's get it done. I was a bit more polite and tactful, but you get the idea. This will work better in a store that is either a "mom and pop" type place or one on commission.

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i dont know about the niagra area, but always check out a walmart type store, you can usually find nice deals there with a model that is a year older or a display model, just talk to the sales man. i got my $1700 42 plasma for $1100ish after an hour of talking and negoitaitons

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i dont know about the niagra area, but always check out a walmart type store, you can usually find nice deals there with a model that is a year older or a display model, just talk to the sales man. i got my $1700 42 plasma for $1100ish after an hour of talking and negoitaitons

I'll second that. A couple months ago I got a 32" Philips LCD for $320 at Target. It was last year's model, on clearance, plus a floor model that had been on the shelf for less than a week. Basically I got an $1100 TV for 1/3 of the original price. My buddy went to the other Target in town and got the same deal. I'd say check into it. I know it sounds sketchy buying a floor model, but mine came with a three year warranty.

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How about a Phillips 42 inch plasma shipped to your door? for 800? Don't know about Canada though...

Philips Outlet

Looks like the deal is off, but they normally have deals every now and then, sign up for their emails... you could get the 50 inch for 1000...

Refurbished but, is that really any worse than a display model that some people beat on and little kids with sticky stuff touch all the time?

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