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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior/mia gloves

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The graphics and material just seem like they're cheap to me, plus (and it may just be the pic's angle) the backrolls look a bit off to me. These may well be solid gloves, I toyed with the idea of getting MIAs done, but they just look cheap in that shot. The ugly SJ colours don't help either.

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The colours definitely don't help. I wish SJ would drop the orange it's disgusting and go back to grey. Would make their whole uniform look so much better.

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The colours definitely don't help. I wish SJ would drop the orange it's disgusting and go back to grey. Would make their whole uniform look so much better.

its gonna take more than getting rid of the orange to make SJs unis look better(although it would help quite a bit)

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In the meantime you can still use the MIAsports.com customizer to design the glove and then bring that to your local MIA dealer. Same gloves just says Warrior on the cuff now.

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