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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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flexlite 18

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i searched but couldnt find anything maybe i did it wrong..but i have a couple questions.

1. how do the fit i have a pair of XXXs size 10.would i be able to get the same size. also how do they hold up? and pros and cons of them?..just looking for some insight

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It's basically the same as last year's Flexlite 10. This should get you started.


I ordered a pair online and ended up returning them. Honestly, they seemed kinda cheap to me. The boot is very soft (hence the name 'Flex'lite) so if you're used to a stiff skate like the XXX then these might not be for you. They fit very wide and deep overall and the 1.5 sizes down from your shoe size seems about right, at least in my case it was.

Keep in mind these are just my opinions and observations. Others may think they're awesome.

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about the 10s, the D width fits just as wide and is deeper than this year's Vapor in EE. I tried it out in a 10 (my usual size, i wear 11.5 street shoes) and felt like i needed to go down to a 9.5.

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about the 10s, the D width fits just as wide and is deeper than this year's Vapor in EE. I tried it out in a 10 (my usual size, i wear 11.5 street shoes) and felt like i needed to go down to a 9.5.

Agreed. If a regular width skate fits you well then you're going to be swimming in a Flexlite, even a D.

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Still if your looking for lots of toe space Nike skates are the way to go. How do you find the durability in Nike skates nowadays guys? They didn't used to be too bad but haven't touched a pair in almost five years. I'd like to get a handle on how long they would last the average player who skates a couple of times a week. My brother is interested in a pair.

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