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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kovalev switch to Nike skates?

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Maybe if Alex switches to new skates he will actually use them instead of standing around. He changes equipment like underwear. Hate to tell him this, it ain't the equipment.

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Maybe if Alex switches to new skates he will actually use them instead of standing around. He changes equipment like underwear. Hate to tell him this, it ain't the equipment.

He hasn't changed skates in years. He has worn CCMs with white trim for quite a while. If he's changing, then he's getting paid to do so.

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Maybe if Alex switches to new skates he will actually use them instead of standing around. He changes equipment like underwear. Hate to tell him this, it ain't the equipment.

and this post was useful.......why?

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He hasn't changed skates in years. He has worn CCMs with white trim for quite a while. If he's changing, then he's getting paid to do so.

Guess I should have been more specific. Sticks are his forte of change. AND YES, I AM DISGRUNTLED!! After 7 years, I reserve the right.

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