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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are these Tackla 5000 pants authentic?

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I've seen some Tackla 5000 on ebay and have noticed different graphics than what Tackla advertises on their website. They don't look like either 5000 Pro or 5000 Airs. I assumed (probably incorrectly) that they're the same pants.

Anyone have any info about these on ebay:

Tackla 5000 on Ebay


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I've seen some Tackla 5000 on ebay and have noticed different graphics than what Tackla advertises on their website. They don't look like either 5000 Pro or 5000 Airs. I assumed (probably incorrectly) that they're the same pants.

Anyone have any info about these on ebay:

Tackla 5000 on Ebay


Just an older pair of 5000's

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