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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bank Loan

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Just wondering if anyone who works with any banks or knows anything about there loan services i am wondering how i can get a loan, i will be 18 when i apply for one, graduated high school and plan on furtherin my education. also my loan would be toward a car or truck, the model year would like be between 1995-2001. another thing would i need a co-signer for the loan if im only 18

thanks oggy_3

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Obviously, a bank would want you to have job to be able to repay the loan. Assuming you do, you just need to apply. Either they'll give you the loan or they'll decline, in which case you can ask why you didn't qualify. They may tell you things like, "We need you to have been employed for nine months" or "We can't loan more than $6,000 on your income."

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Are you working full time?

How much do you make?

What assets/liabilities do you have?

Do you know your credit score? If not, you can get them online for fairly cheap.

$2500 is a pretty small loan, I would think a bank could set you up with a small line of credit fairly easily for that amount.

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