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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Grey Cup

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I hope Tillman sends Bob Young a thank you letter for all the players...What, 12 former Ti Cats on that team...?

Mind you in an 8 team league, I guess it isn't that big a surprise.

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Nothing like being allowed to get drunk on the street. Cops didn't even care :)

Wait a minute...you can celebrate a sports voictory with breaking windows and burning cars...?

Well I'll be damned!

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Nothing like being allowed to get drunk on the street. Cops didn't even care :)

Wait a minute...you can celebrate a sports voictory with breaking windows and burning cars...?

Well I'll be damned!

I was there!

The cops were just there to make sure no one blew anything up. They were all really cool.

Went to the rally yesterday at -30. Got called a "crazy mofo" by Hunt. And got to touch the cup.


Though, hoping my boss doesn't watch TSN...

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Like usual, the Grey Cup was a good game to watch. I'm happy a small market team won. Long live the CFL!

Mind you, I live in Vancouver and didn't go to any Lions games this year. Usually I get at least one or two...shame on me.

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Like usual, the Grey Cup was a good game to watch. I'm happy a small market team won. Long live the CFL!

Mind you, I live in Vancouver and didn't go to any Lions games this year. Usually I get at least one or two...shame on me.


Regina is still celebrating.

Born green

live green

die green

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