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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MLRH in 08 ?

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whatever happened to ball hockey on espn ???? i used to love watching that

i think it wasn't getting the ratings espn wanted - and the fact that marty mcsorely ran the league right around the time he gave donald brashear the tomahawk chop.

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PIHA and MLRH are two very different animals.

PIHA has proven itself over the last 7 years as a major contender in hockey. MLRH, while longer living (if you don't include the many hiatus') has had its troubles. MLRH is full contact, and for this year will be fully professional (pay for play) with 8 teams on the east coast.

the voodoo were in RHI back in the 90's....... god I miss those days

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PIHA and MLRH are two very different animals.

PIHA has proven itself over the last 7 years as a major contender in hockey. MLRH, while longer living (if you don't include the many hiatus') has had its troubles. MLRH is full contact, and for this year will be fully professional (pay for play) with 8 teams on the east coast.

the voodoo were in RHI back in the 90's....... god I miss those days

Thanks for clearing that up.

I had no clue there was a difference at all.

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i have email the commissioner of the piha once or twice and according to him they are planning on extending to the west coast in 09

there are 4 teams in the Bay Area this season. Next year there will likely be another division in the So Cal area.

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MLRH = believe it when I see it...

this is the same "league" that had a second group of players ready to play for a championship a few years back..

pro roller hockey has had its heyday...and the sport currently isn't setup to support it...I can see the best players in the D1 or PRO division @ NARCh....no longer are the best guys coming off a minor pro ice season..

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