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Mission Lieutenant Skates

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I see lots of talk about the Boss skates, not so much about the Lieutenant.

How does it compare to the Boss? Anybody who owns or has tried them on, have any opinions to share?

I'm just about ready to jump the gun on these, but am just curious, what could a 400 dollar pair of skates possibly be missing compared to another pair in the same line? (Aside from the aluminum/magnesium chassis)

I read the whole Mission 2008 product thread, sorry if I missed info about the Lieutenants. A link would be just as helpful as opinions.

What really perplexes me is how the intermediate level Mission 08' skate is the same price as Tour Code 1s. I understand rising costs of materials, not complaining about prices, just curious. Is the price saying something about the quality of the syndicate line? Is the lower syndicate really on par with a higher tour skate?

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Look at the specs... Lieutenant is on pair with the code 1's/code carbons, when it comes to price and materials used.

Just look at the difference between alu og magnesium vanguard aftermarket frames, there in lies most of the price difference between the boss and lieutenant.

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Look at the specs... Lieutenant is on pair with the code 1's/code carbons, when it comes to price and materials used.

Just look at the difference between alu og magnesium vanguard aftermarket frames, there in lies most of the price difference between the boss and lieutenant.

the Tour may be par in price, but not even close when it comes to materials.

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I've looked at specs, I don't know anything about the materials/features listed to know if one is better than the other.

Are you saying the lieutenant is not as good as the Code-1, carbon?

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I've looked at specs, I don't know anything about the materials/features listed to know if one is better than the other.

Are you saying the lieutenant is not as good as the Code-1, carbon?

what i am saying is that Justin has developed some of the best hockey boots i have seen in a long time. European distributors wanted to know if we would mount a Pitch Ice Holder on the boot for Ice Hockey. i think the Lieutenant is one of THE best skates out there dollar for dollar. dont buy brand X or brand Y just because everybody else has them or they are the most $$$. the Assassin skate is a solid boot and i would be very happy in that boot. you dont have to spend the most money to be the best. try the skates on and draw your own conclusion.

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The biggest difference between the Boss and the Lieutenant is the chassis (magnessium), external material (slightly lighter on Boss), outsole (Carbon vs. Glass), and liner. There are some internal differences, but nothing dramatic..

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