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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Innovative True One VS. 1100

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I just finished breaking my fourth Si-Core and am now waiting for the Stealth to come out. But while I am waiting I need a new stick (Thats not too expensive). I am either going to get the 1100 (fused) or the True One. Which blade feels more like theh Si-Cores? What stick is better over all? Also what Inno blade is closest to the Easton Iginla retail?


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McCarty is as close as you're going to get for the retail patterns. If you're looking for a softer blade then the True1 is probably the better choice. I would point you to Peranis since they have them on sale for $120 but they only have the federov, kovalev, and mogilny patterns left. The mogilny isn't that far off either though. It starts more towards the toe but it's still a mid pattern, slightly open face, and 5.5 lie. If you're RH and can handle the 300 flex then i would go for it.

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They are excellent from what I've heard. All Inno products have a good rep for being durable. Cavs seems to like them a lot. You might want to shoot him a PM for more specific questions.

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My true one was awesome i loved it it lasted 7 monthes the feel was great since there cheap i wold go with the true one the fles will be a lil more wipy then a 100 the 260 is around a 90

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I bought four True-1s from Peranis and I love them. They seem to be holding up very well, the feel for the puck is incredible (easially better than the Si-Core, in my opinion) and shooting is almost effortless. All around great sticks.

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I used the same mogo 300 6 times a week this year for about 7 months. Couldn't have asked for more from that thing, its a great stick. Only gripe i had was that the shaft was a little bit too thick for my liking (preference)

Edit: If you love the 100 flex, stay away from the 300, its about an 80 on the easton scale. 260 would be better suited for you.

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