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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mass Effect

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Good god damn this was easily my favourite game to play. Beat it tonight and can't wait to try going Rogue on my next try.

Anyone else beat it? I thought the plot-point decisions to make in the game only affected this game but someone told me that it will affect the next two games in the trilogy. Awesome, awesome stuff if so.

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I might have to pick it up now. Assassins creed threw me in such a slump I think I need a game thats not just straight killing for once.

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Assassin's Creed sucks, which is made worse by how much I wanted to try it when it came out. This game is solid though and I'm going to say it's got replayability because I want to try another character out.

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I would pick it up, but I have finals for the next two weeks and Mass effect would be the difference between a 3.7 and a 2.5. Don't spoil it for me, I can't wait.

Also, its that short Mack?

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Yeah, I would definitely wait on it for that reason because when I got to a mission I didn't want to turn it off till I was at least done with it, which could be a couple hours.

It's not short per se, but I skipped by a lot of the side missions they have just because I was playing on my brother's and wanted to get thru the game. That said, I'm going to try as many of the side missions I can next time I give it a go.

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It should be noted that most of the side missions are extremely linear. You go to Planet X, locate the enemy encampment, and kill their cronies. Then, you run into the boss, and attempt to sweet talk him out of whatever he's doing (Paragon) or just cut to the chase and open fire (Renegade). That only goes for the galactic missions, after you're off of the first planet.

The combat is fairly fun, but it pales in comparison to the awesome conversation system, and various other role-playing elements. It seems like you could conceivably spend upwards of 30 hours on it, as I'm ~10 hours in and I've only completed the first part of the story after you get off the first planet, and a bunch of galactic sidequests (tracking down people, and the like). The dialogue is very fluid, and the voice acting is brilliant... It's been said before, but it really feels like an interactive movie.

Mack, I've found you can pick up more sidequests if you return to the first planet after completing some of the main story missions. I'm not sure if it's true for each subsequent story mission completed, but I'll keep you guys posted.

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