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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate tongue shifting too much

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I had a similar problem with my vapor xxx's and their thin tongues.

I got thicker tongues sewn own...now I don't have that problem.

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It'd be hard to get any thicker than the Ultra tongues.

Happy I found this thread. I have had this issue with every skate I have owned. Thick tongues, Graf 705, Bauer One100's and then thin tongues on the Easton S15. All skates have fit me very well.

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Thanks for all the good suggestions. I'll be doing some experimenting in the next week or two. It happens on both skates, but only bad enough to bother me on my right.

Yeah, I have flat feet that pronate, but I use Superfeet to control that a bit. I think the pronation contributes to the angle between heel and shin

I like it!

If your even an average sized male and you have a pronation problem similar to that Superfeet aren't going to help enough. The plastic support for Superfeet aren't strong enough to hold an average sized male.

My tongue on my left skate does the same thing and in my case it is a pretty big pronation problem. After what I've been through I strongly recommend seeing a podiatrist.

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