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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Koho Crossover Blade Weight?

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whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cares

what the hell kind of question is that?

he obviously does.

i realize its pretty trendy to be a dick around here, but come on...

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Franklin 5500(i think that's the #) shaft.

One of my friends had it, grey + a little orange color scheme, the entire inside of the shaft was filled up with some kind of foam/wood material.

Was insanely heavy.

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whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cares

what the hell kind of question is that?

he obviously does.

i realize its pretty trendy to be a dick around here, but come on...

havent you ever heard of the saying "you cant have your cake and eat it too" if you need a blade to work on out door surface you cant be picky about the weight there are all of like three out door blades to choose from now adays. just take what you can get.

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i wasnt asking that because i was trying to choose a blade. ive been using the crossover for about 2 years now. i just wanted to compare the actual weights of my z-bubble/crossover to my synergy 2 / synergy 2 blade. i was trying to calculate my shot power based purely on the weight of the stick.

nm, sorry for putting this up

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