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NHL bag skates?

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I am not sure if this is the right place for this, so mods please move if needed.

After watching the Canes v. Sabres game last night my dad and I found ourselves at a point of disagreement. I argued that after a game like that a bag-skate is

certainly in order. However, he wanted to believe that at that level bag-skates are not done in response to poor performances. I understand the argument that they play a grueling schedule and time for bag skates may be used more constructively, however I cannot imagine that a good verbal lashing is enough in the case of an 8-1 blowout (especially after the mediocre play as of late). Do any of you guys on here know one way or another if no puck practices happen in the show?

I know whenever my jr team had a poor game or string of games there was some kind of repercussion the next practice (among other things: i.e. trade talk...)

Someone shed some light on this for me.

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I know that they do have bag skates. The Leafs had a few at the start of the start of the year.I don't know whether it was all practice or just a certain, lengthy, amount of time or not.

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I remember seeing on tsn them saying that the after a poor game the leafs had a tough practice including a 10 minute bag skate. I just laughed at the fact that they thought 10 minutes was a bag skate. Im sure lots of times instead of doing just straight bag skates they do drills with lots of skating but still with some puck movement and team play to still get the point across that the effort was not acceptable but still be doing something productive.

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thanks guys, I figured this was the case.

Oh man, the skates right after the game are the worst. We had one where we had just played a 3 game road trip, went 0-3, played poorly the last game (something like 6-1 loss). Went had a nice long silent bus ride back that night and wehn we showed up at the rink to drop our gear off, coach says "dont bother hanging your stuff up" "go ahead and suit up" and proceeds to skate us at like 1 am for bout a half hour. then the next morning we had practice (usually had mondays off) and no pucks for that. everyone was sprawled out on the goal line after the coach got off the ice. walking from class to class that day was horrible.

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Reminds me of high school football, had to run til we puked. Couldn't stop until you threw up, and if it was self induced then you kept running.

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thanks guys, I figured this was the case.

Oh man, the skates right after the game are the worst. We had one where we had just played a 3 game road trip, went 0-3, played poorly the last game (something like 6-1 loss). Went had a nice long silent bus ride back that night and wehn we showed up at the rink to drop our gear off, coach says "dont bother hanging your stuff up" "go ahead and suit up" and proceeds to skate us at like 1 am for bout a half hour. then the next morning we had practice (usually had mondays off) and no pucks for that. everyone was sprawled out on the goal line after the coach got off the ice. walking from class to class that day was horrible.

thats so redic, there is no point in that

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thats nothin. when i played highschool hockey our team was entering the season with a chance to win 4 straight championships, and our coach was demanding perfection everywhere. for every goal our team allowed we would have to skate 5 minutes in praccy as well as for every "selfish" or "dumb" penalty we took we would have to skate 2 minutes.

Anyways, last night as well i was watchin HNIC and they showed a video of the flames gettin bag skated in their practice, although i think that might of just been iron mike layin down the hammer!

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hahah unfortunately we lost in an overtime thriller in the finals 6-5, but on a related note i was in the best shape of my life (6 goals X 5 minutes = 30 minutes of skating....thank god there was no praccy the next day:P)

bag skates are apart of hockey, every level has them mostly because, in my opinion, its one way a coach can motivate his players (more so at the minor and junior level)

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Bag skates are fine as long as it is not every practice, then it becomes pointless and people will not work hard during them. In Bantam AAA we never did a skate for the soul purpose of skating except last game before pronvicals we beat the worst team in the league only 7-5 and we had 3 players kicked out, 2 players got 10 minute misconnducts and it was just a terrible game. We skates for 35-45 minutes and it was hell, down and backs, go in and talk to the coach and he got us to answer why we were skating, went out and did the lines, talk to the coach again, did the dreaded dots, go talk to the coach and then sprints on whistles. Afterwards we flooded the ice and just had the normal practice. Funny part was we had affiliates at the practice and that was hell for them.

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Rangers had what Ryan Hollweg called "his toughest practice in his three years with the Rangers" after losing to the Canes 4-0 the other day. I'm sure some bag skating was involved.

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Lindy Ruff has done puckless practices from time to time here in buffalo. I've gone to pre season practices and sometimes guys get skated into the ground at the end. Its just part of the game no matter where you go.

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