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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I ahve been using easton sticks like all my life. and i was looking forward to the Stealth alot. lats weekend i got the chance to shoot with a TPS XN10. i loved it and it felt like an awesome stick. the Nash curve is just like the sakic... so im not even worried about switching cuvres. would it be better to wait for the stealth.... or go with teh xn10? any ideas?

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I assume you like 100 flex? Get whatever stick you want, neither is going to make you a better player. The only problem is the Stealth will be much less widely available than the XN10.

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Your choice, you know what to expect from the XN10, buthave not tried the stealth. They should be similar, the Stealth has some good reviews, but so did the Xn10 at the time. It looks like you can't go wrong either way. Maybe look into the flex. Is 100 right for you, or would you rather choose from a larger variety that the Xn10 has?

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