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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS blade in non TPS shafts

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Just curious, do the TPS blades fit in nonTPS shafts?

I understand that many non-TPS blades require some tape to make them fit properly into a TPS shaft. I assume this means that TPS blades made for TPS shafts must have a bigger hosel. Is the TPS blade hosel too big for a shaft such as a Bauer or Easton?

Also, can anyone comment on the balance of an R6 blade paired with some non-TPS shafts? I have a z-bubble and one90 and would like to buy the Afinogenov blade.

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Yes, companies are interchangable - i.e., they are standardized. Some, like Inno, are just a hair narrower than others, but that can be resolved with a piece of tape on the tenon.

I have used lots of variations and have never found one that won't fit.

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I measure shaft inner dimensions and tenon sizes with calipers before putting glue on blades. I've learned this to save time; otherwise, it's apply glue, learn that it gets loose on the ice, and back to the shop.

My TPS shafts all have larger-than-standard inner widths, and need tape to fill the gap. My TPS blades all have tenons that measure close to nominal (with the exception of one wood tenon blade which is too big to fit in anything), and they fit fine in other brands of shafts.

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