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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXIX skate

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anyone tried it because it seems the xxv is the model below the xxxx on most websites but hockey life has there for 499.99 canadian anyone know anything about these or tried them?

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these are most likely an SMU, but im not sure about the exact specs on them or what makes them better than the XXV and not as good as the XXXX.

BTW - I think cyclone taylor has these about 100 bucks cheaper...if you decide to go this route.

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no i am buying vapor xxv's was just curious if anyone had them and maybe if they were liek a europe special instaed of the xxv but thanks

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wrong they are not just cosmetic difference. there is already a topic on that.



Linings - Tech Mesh / Basketweave Nylon / Basketweave Nylon

Tongue - Metatarsal guard / same / not the same

Sole - Full Carbon / Full Carbon / Full Texallium

Lining - Hydrophobic Clarino / Clarino liner / Clarino liner

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whats the major difference betweeen full carbon and full tezallium?? weight?

i think the weight difference between the two is negligible. carbon composite is stiffer than texallium

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If you're a good enough skater not to need the stiffest skate out there, I do not see how spending $150 more on Vapor XXXXs is the sensible thing to do.

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so the only difference is a few grams and a little bit stiffer and up here there abor 250-300$ more ahha no thanks i can manage with a few grams heavier and save $300 ha plus i have herd these XXV's are plenty stiff

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