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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Humanitarian work

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Anyone ever do it?

I did some breifly in Mexico when I lived down there, but my baby brother (16, just turned 17 so not really a baby) came back from working in Africa. He was there since September and put his sports on hold. (NCAA scholorship) He's going to have to go back to high school for a "seventh" semester to graduate with everything he wants to, but him and two other guys he knows went down.

I'm pretty proud of the little gapper.

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when I was in high school I went to Nicaragua 3 times to do such work. As well as work for the homeless and poor of the US as well as other countries. I haven't done much in college too busy. Its a shame.

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Yeah I was living in Mexico for a little over a year and did work with orphans and such. Then when we went up to the mountains I worked with street kids.

I'm planning on going to Africa in the next year or so. That's what my brother did. He was trying to start a lacrosse program.

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