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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rhinos TV - Belgian Roller Hockey

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I've just put a full game video on our website. Just wanted to know what you guys think about it. It is hosted on Stage6, so you need the DivX plugin installed. Please visit http://www.eindhovenrhinos.nl/index2.htm to see it (double click for full screen). This is the Belgian league featuring the top two teams from last year. Remarks are very welcome.

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is it just me or does it take all day to buffer the video? i tried to download it to the hard drive, but with an average of 15 MB a second, that could take all day.

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Started instantly, video looks great, awesome rink you have there in Eindhoven Tim. :-)

It looks bigger than the smaller rinks I've played at, how big is the surface?

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Regular 40m x 20m. It was 36m, but they extended it this year. And yes, that is concrete. Little rough on the wheels, but it is pretty quick.

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