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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For the car guys....new challenger spotted

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My FORD F150 has almost 400,000 miles the only thing ever changed was the started and battery. Now THATS unreliable.

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  hehatemefrisbee said:

my dad is the launch coordinator for the challenger. Did the original poster get that picture in Hamilton? Thats where they are building it.

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You tell dad I want one?

We can work something out... ;)

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  bdj said:

My FORD F150 has almost 400,000 miles the only thing ever changed was the started and battery. Now THATS unreliable.

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With 400k on the clock I'm going to assume it's the pre-'95 box style with dual gas tanks.

Those trucks are what put Ford on top in the medium duty truck world. Unfortunate that the rest of the company couldn't follow the same line of quality and durability.

Comparing an F-150 to a Mustang is like a far-fetched analogy that escapes me. Apples to Coconuts or something crazy.

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Bingo 88 F150 with the duals, but the fuel pump on the front tank isn't quite working and im in the process of swapping it. Personally I would never buy a mustang but I cant comment on the reliability on anything but trucks. I will never own anything but a truck in my life.

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I was sharpening skates today and a Challenger mule pulled up in the parking lot. Couldn't find a spot so I think he parked outside the rink. I wanted to go check it out but I had skates to do.

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