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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor IX Skates Bakeable?

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I just got a pair of Vapor IX's for my girlfriend. Can or should these be baked? Should I pay $30 to get them done at my LHS or try them on my lowest oven setting? Thanks in advance.

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You should probably NOT bake them. Even though they probably could get baked, it be better off if she trys them out on ice to see if she has any problems with them. If she does, you should probably get her to wear them as much as she can without baking them to help mold to her foot. But if she need to bake them, make sure you dont get them baked for too long as this certain skate does not need a long time in the oven, if any time at all.

BTW, what store charges $30 for baking?!?!? It's usually free..

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Thanks for the info, i'll definitely just let her break them in herself. Unless she complains about it. I bought them online and when you walk in with skates they charge 25-30 around here. I know I paid 25 last time I got mine baked.

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Yeah they are actually stiffer then I imagined, but I don't think it will be too stiff at all. They are very nice skates though, It's impressive that they can make a pretty high quality skate for so cheap. It retails for only $60.

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Well if it's anything like my Vapor VII skates, they should be fine for the occasional skate by someone weight under 150 pounds. As soon as I started playing pickup, they broke down pretty quick. But yeah $60 is a heck of a deal.

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BTW, what store charges $30 for baking?!?!? It's usually free..

It's the store that you didn't buy the skates from. Every store I know will charge you if you didn't buy the skates there.

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BTW, what store charges $30 for baking?!?!? It's usually free..

It's the store that you didn't buy the skates from. Every store I know will charge you if you didn't buy the skates there.

Same in my area and they should charge for baking if the skates were bought somewhere else.

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Thats really odd. Customers can buy skates from Sweden and come bake them at my store in Toronto for nothing.

That's very uncommon in the industry. Just think of it this way - you can't buy a Ford and take it to Chevy and expect them to work on it for free.

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That IS pretty odd. My LHS will give you a free baking if you buy online BUT you have to know the guys and be honest with them... Doesn't hurt if you buy a lot of gear from them too. They know they don't have every skate and they dont punish you for getting them elseware as long as you take care of them.

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