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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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heel pain

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my new skates (709 SEs) ive used for probably.... 20 ice times? maybe? but any ways im having a big problem with the heel on my right skate. the very backs of my heels have tiny bumps (bone) not right in the middle but more toward the outside pf my foot a little bit. i know a TON of hockey players who have them and im told its because of skating so much. i fealt inside the back of that heel and its rock solid, no padding what so ever. im wondering what i could do about it... any suggestions? i guess i could try putting some padding back there but id have no idea what, so sugestions are needed.

by the way, i did use the search and nothing poped up. sorry in advance if this has already been discussed. :ph34r:

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I had the exact same problem when I switched from Easton Airs to Graf 705's. I tried having them punched out but it just didn't work. It felt like I was hitting the top of the heel cup if that makes sense. I eventually switched to Pure fly's and I do not have the problem anymore.

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