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BEST Hockey Camp In Toronto?

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Hey. I was looking to go to a hockey camp for the winter holidays. I was wondering which camp is the best? I've been to Toronto Professional Hockey School and Future Stars. These two have different approaches. TPHS is more of a boot camp experience. They make you skate your ASS off. Future Stars focuses more on techniques and don't make you skate as much.

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Hey. I was looking to go to a hockey camp for the winter holidays. I was wondering which camp is the best? I've been to Toronto Professional Hockey School and Future Stars. These two have different approaches. TPHS is more of a boot camp experience. They make you skate your ASS off. Future Stars focuses more on techniques and don't make you skate as much.

lol...is the guy Cheeko however you spell it still work peoples ass off till they barf?

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Hey. I was looking to go to a hockey camp for the winter holidays. I was wondering which camp is the best? I've been to Toronto Professional Hockey School and Future Stars. These two have different approaches. TPHS is more of a boot camp experience. They make you skate your ASS off. Future Stars focuses more on techniques and don't make you skate as much.

lol...is the guy Cheeko however you spell it still work peoples ass off till they barf?

Haha yeah LOL!

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a few good ones that I went to was sk8on with Jari or smushkins one. With smuskins expect alot of yelling though and screaming its a very tough camp but worth it

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I have seen Smushkin in operation. I am on the side of the believers.

But it is only camp for no-nonsense hockey players who are there to learn and suffer to do so. If there is any lack of dedication or laziness, do not bother, you will be crying back home to yo' mamma.

The theoretical basis for Smushkin is that you have to train the brain/muscle connection to instinctively learn certain un-natural hockey moves. You do that by repetitively doing some odd drills, over and over until you are sick of them.

While you are doing it, it makes no sense. A few months later when you are skating a whole level better, you start to believe. It is a little like the "wax on, wax off" thing.

He has a whole bunch of medical books on the theory, but it is only in the camp that you can practice it.

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I have seen Smushkin in operation. I am on the side of the believers.

But it is only camp for no-nonsense hockey players who are there to learn and suffer to do so. If there is any lack of dedication or laziness, do not bother, you will be crying back home to yo' mamma.

The theoretical basis for Smushkin is that you have to train the brain/muscle connection to instinctively learn certain un-natural hockey moves. You do that by repetitively doing some odd drills, over and over until you are sick of them.

While you are doing it, it makes no sense. A few months later when you are skating a whole level better, you start to believe. It is a little like the "wax on, wax off" thing.

He has a whole bunch of medical books on the theory, but it is only in the camp that you can practice it.

He also has some games also to challenge the mind and such both online and board games that ive played and after awhile they do help certain parts of the game but more the visual and ice vision then anything else.

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