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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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roller padded shirt?

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Hey, need the opinion of some of the roller guys out there... Ski season is here, and I'm going to be doing a lot of freestyle work (rails, 360s, etc.) and I want to armor up a bit. The 'mountain' (a small hill) where i ski is usually really icy, so biting it on rails and crashing off the tabletops hurts like hell, if you manage to not break a bone (broke my collarbone a few years back there). I was looking at some of the padded roller shirts, and was thinking this might be a good thing to wear under my coat, get some protection on my ribs and shoulders for rails. Do these tend to have padding on the back? What kind of foam is in these things? If you don't think it'd help much, does anyone know of some kind of padding that might work? Thanks guys

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i don't know if its still made haven't played lacrosse in years, but Rhino Skin was made by brine i think and it was meant for players to wear instead of shoulder pads so I would imagine it would do the trick. Not sure about roller padded shirts though never used one.

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The Mission Thorax one looks pretty serious, seems to have a lot of padding. I'm interested in one for my beer leagues as I don't wear shoulder pads, so I'd also like to hear if anyone has experience with these types of 'shirts'. They seem incredibly tough to find at the retail level around here, I've only seen them online.

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