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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest phillyfan


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Guest phillyfan

Like to learn about everybody here, know their interests and such. Anyway, what do you plan to major in and/or study in College? Do you even plan to go to college? I plan to major in either:


Business Law

CISCO Networking

Entrepeneurship(Spellcheck would help here ;))

Macro/Micro Economics

It all depends on what I am able to do and how I do in High School.

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Well I'm in my Junior year in HS and have a 3.5 average, so I should be able to go to some good schools. I would like to attend either Boston University or Georgtown. I also am looking at Purdue, Vassar, or George Washington University. I plan on majoring in Political Science and minoring in Philosophy. From their I will probably go to law school for International Law. I hope to become a politician and work in the government. My dream is becoming a Senator and anything after that is icing on the cake. Wouldn't mind working for the CIA or State Department either. I'm hugely into HS debate and have national qualifiers tomorrow for legislative debate. I also recently placed 4th at the state championship. Hope you learned a little about me :)

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Guest phillyfan

Plenty, more detailed than I though. I'm about to fall asleep, so I'll try to put together a short biography of myself tomorrow.

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I have a Bachelor of Physical Education and a diploma in Massage sport Therapy.

But for the next few years I will be involved in a very lucrative vitamin company, and its making me a hell of a lot more money than I would ever see with the other degrees.

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I'll try and keep this short a simple. I am a junior in college, Mercer University. I am a biology/chemistry double major and french minor. I will hopefully be attending either Mercer's Med school or Georgetown's after my senior year. I will probably attend med school at mercer because they specialize in what I want which is rural medicine. I dont like big cities, I am a country boy what can I say. As long as I am within an hour of an ice rink, thats all that matters to me.

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Guest 2048

BIO/Chem double major?! You suicidal?? I'm in AP chem right now and want to rip my hair out because of how boring it gets...I suppose it's different if you want to go into medicine though, especially if it's not something like infectious disease where bio/orgo is your life. I admire you, I've already given up on chem and I've only taken it since september.

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I've got academic scholarship offers from Winthrop (SC), South Carolina, and Tennessee. Looking to major in Sports Management so that I can hopefully work my way up to being a GM of a sports franchise.

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chemistry was a breeze compared to organic chemistry. You all must do whatever you can to stay away from that devil of a class. Its only worse than pchem (physical chem). Chemistry is awful, but its so necessary for me.

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Guest 2048
chemistry was a breeze compared to organic chemistry. You all must do whatever you can to stay away from that devil of a class. Its only worse than pchem (physical chem). Chemistry is awful, but its so necessary for me.

The problem isn't so much the difficulty, because it's doable if you keep up with the work. Thing is, no one really does unless they have to because it's so mindnumbingly boring.

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have you taken any organic? They can't offer it in high school I dont think. The labs are too sophistocated and require too much glassware and dangerous chemicals.

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I'm in my final year of High school. I've applied for 3 schools all for Political Science, and another for Math & Statistics. I'm hoping to transfer into law after my second year in Poly Sci, but have to wait to be accepted first. :unsure:

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Guest 2048
have you taken any organic? They can't offer it in high school I dont think. The labs are too sophistocated and require too much glassware and dangerous chemicals.

Haven't taken it and I never will. I originally thought that's what I wanted to do, then took the course and hated everything about it (found out 3 weeks into the course, so it was too late to transfer). Now I'm thinking of Economics or business (though it seems like you need an MBA to get a job now) with some form of communications/journalism as a minor.

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I'm in my 2nd year at a JC, transfering to a University. I'm a computer science major and I'm willing to do just about anything someone will pay me to do, however I'm most intersted in operating system design and software for embedded systems.

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Double Majored in Economics and International Relations at Boston University. I currently work in commercial real estate, not using much if any of what I learned. However, I hope to get into a development company when the economy comes around again and then I'll be using a lot of the Econ knowledge, if I still remember it.

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International Relations at Boston University

No crap? My sister is doing the same major at the same place even.

you know any of her teachers? I could problably tell her to steer clear from a few of them if they are still there.

They also changed that program the year I got there, I had a nice graduate review person and she pulled some strings for me to be able to double major easily.

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She is not double-majoring in it...just major. She is in her junior year, and went on a few programs they have, so she has not been on the actual campus much lately.

Btw- what makes a major, a double major? Thanks.

I never did any international study, decided against it when I knew I could double major. Double majoring is having two majors. I started off as a Int'l relations major and then because of so many overlapped classes and my intent to change majors anyway, my grad person offered to change it so I could still major in both. hench a double major :)

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Oh, I gotcha....She is still going to BU...Just oversea's site.

Thanks for not asking for pics like some other pervs...

Awwww, you said no name-calling.

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Over here (Germany) the scholar system is somewhat different. If you want to go to university, you finish school after 13 years (starting at age 6). It's only during the last 3 years of school that you can choose 2 majors and 2 semi-majors along with the general stuff. My majors were history and French, semis were English and Biology. Other than that I had maths, German literature, Philosopy, Sports (Basketball), Geography and some other stuff I can't even remember.

Languages have been my strongest point ever since, but I also really liked history (I'm still into it, catching anything on discovery chanel etc.).

After finishing school with marks too good for myself to believe I have spent the obligatory year in the army as a truck driver (woot woot).

Due to my marks I managed to become part of a very particular project in legal studies between the universities of Cologne (Germany) and Paris (France). In my first 4 years I got a French Master degree at the Sorbonne univesity in Paris and a German LL.M. (Magister Legum).

This coming summer (end of my 6th year) I will pass my exams for a German Master. If my marks are good enough, I am gonna do my doctorate starting next winter.

After all this is accomplished, I'm bound to become a judge. If I don't do it... I'll become a taxi driver and play hockey every night.

Oh, and my final message is: Do what you LIKE and not what you think might be a good basis for a career. You cannot succeed in something you don't love.

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Oh, and my final message is: Do what you LIKE and not what you think might be a good basis for a career. You cannot succeed in something you don't love.

AMEN. Honestly you will find that college is MUCH easier if you actually are interested in what you are studying. Money doesn't really make or break your life, its just an added bonus:)

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I'm starting nursing up at Southern Adventist University in TN in July. I'm getting my B.S.N and then gonna go on and do a masters in anesthesia.

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Theo, most doctors plan on making tons of cash but not this one. I will be working hopefully out in the country which means little money for me. Also I plan on going into the army as soon as I am in med school so I don't have to pay for it. Then after the army I want to be a missionary for a few years then later open my own practice out in the boondocks somewhere. So...yeah I dont think money will be part of my life. As long as I have enough for a few new hockey sticks and fly rods a year I think I'll be alright. :)

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