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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are Graf Skates made in China?

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Graf = Canada for North Americans, and *Switzerland* for everyone else. Thats pretty much the break down, no China involved.


Thanks for the correction JR.

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There's Graf and there's Graf Canada. Graf is based in (as JR said) Switzerland while Graf Canada is based in a place that I've never heard of <_< .

OK... I got a goofy little joke in there, I feel better about myself now :lol: .

They're made in Switzerland and Canada. I heard a "know-it-all (not on MSH) say that the youth skates were made in China, but I can't say for sure.

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I ran into the Graf rep at my LHS last week and he told me that Graf has been upping their hockey skate production in canada for export overseas, and is concentrating more on the figure skate side of things in Switzerland. He said that the canadian Grafs have really improved in terms of their quality over the last few years and have equalled of surpassed the swiss ones.

Take it with a grain of salt, however, because it came directly after I told him that the swiss ones were made better.

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I ran into the Graf rep at my LHS last week and he told me that Graf has been upping their hockey skate production in canada for export overseas, and is concentrating more on the figure skate side of things in Switzerland. He said that the canadian Grafs have really improved in terms of their quality over the last few years and have equalled of surpassed the swiss ones.

Take it with a grain of salt, however, because it came directly after I told him that the swiss ones were made better.

Haven't had a chance to compare with the Swiss ones, but my Grafs are very well made and holding up extremely well.

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I never found build quality to be subpar on any graf. Alignment of everything though..... I'd definitely consider graf again when the time comes for skates. Th ultra version of the 707 I saw looked great.

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