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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Similar Curves To Easton's Sakic

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what curve from CCM, Bauer, Rbk, and Warrior are similar or exact to Sakic's Easton curve?

In order, nothing, P92, nothing, Draper. Compare the blades with similar stats in the Pattern DB at the top of the page.

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new rbk crosby pattern is a sakic clone, though not exact

No it isn't.

All the ones ive seen are an open mid curve, round toe, about as close to a sakic as you're gonna get. I realize on the rbk website it says differently, but the pattern depicted there is nowhere near the ones i've seen in person. Edit-lemieux in ccm is close too, but still a little different.

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as far as i know, CCM is getting rid of the Lemieux (*almost* Sakic clone) curve for '08, and will not be calling it the Lecavalier. the squared-toe option is now on the Thornton (*almost* Lidstrom clone)....

let me know if i'm wrong, JR. lol

Recchi is a Sakic type curve on CCM.

lol i wish that were true. i play with a Sakic about 99% of the time, and i picked up a Recchi replacement blade because i wanted to try something a little different... the Sakic is WAY more open than the Recchi. take it from someone who learned the hard way :(

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In order, nothing, P92, nothing, Draper. Compare the blades with similar stats in the Pattern DB at the top of the page.


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There is so much incorrect information in this topic that it is getting locked, lest any more misleading information get posted.

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