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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK shoulder pads

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Hey i bought a pair of xl rbk 5k shoulder pads and they fit well. They have these two things that are supposed to cover my shoulder blades but when i put the pads on they fan out like wings. Under my jersey it makes me look like i have a juge hunchback. I've been back to the store and tried on some larges as well and they do the same thing. Has anyone else had this problem?

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I had a similar problem a while ago with a pair of Bauer shoulder pads. I just cut the back piece in half, chopped off around 2-3 inches, then connected the halves and that solved the problem for me. After switching to the Sher-Wood 5030 I didn't have the problem.

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Yeah I cut aross the back to separate the back piece horizontally. then I took one of the halfs and cut it again around 2-3 inches, up to you, and then I reconnected it. At first I taped it up vertically, and that held fine, but I didn't like how it looked, so I got two pieces of nylon and sewed the left and right sides together. It's not a very simple project, and cutting up equipment is always a risk. Also, I'm not sure what the material composition of the 5ks is, so cutting might not be as simple due to materials.

A less dangerous test is to try to link up part of the back of the shoulder pad with your pants to see if it could hold it down in a better position.

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do you have the piece that sticks up at the back too? with the "hanging" piece connected to it? Ive got it on my fuel 110's and notice that the RBKs have them too.. makes your jersey stand up and everything yeah?

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Ya i think so. This is a rough sketch of what it looks like and what happens. It's from memory and really not that good of a drawing but you should get the point


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i get what your saying now lol yeah thats kinda weird.. i was talking about the very top of the spine protector sticking up and making your jersey look funny.. thats the prob ive got

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