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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cell themes/interface

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Sorry to start a thread on this but I think I'm getting a Razr v9m from verizon tonight. The thing I dislike about it the most though is verizon's interface. Is there any way to download custom themes or whatever for it? I saw a website that had some but it was for the old razr and I don't know if they work for verizon, so does anyone know?

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i have the same phone, but from sprint. on mine you are able to go into "my content" and in there is a THEMES section. inside you can choose the moto theme or sprints and moto's is way better. idk if you can do the same for verizon tho.

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i have the same phone, but from sprint. on mine you are able to go into "my content" and in there is a THEMES section. inside you can choose the moto theme or sprints and moto's is way better. idk if you can do the same for verizon tho.

thanks for the replies.. i didn't get one yet but i'm still looking at them because verizon doesn't seem to have much better and i don't like the voyager but does anyone know if it's possible to use the moto theme on verizon, if not is it hard to flash it to sprint firmware if it is possible and could it mess up the phone?

EDIT: i found this US Cellular flash http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php...age=1&pp=15 but it seems too risky for me to do it considering i've never done anything like that. it says you can't picture message with that either which sucks.

does anyone know if verizon will be coming out with any new phones soon? any chance that verizon will be getting the viewty?

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