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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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s15 vs Easton Z-Air Comp Hockey Skates ('04 Model)

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was wondering is they fit the same..i tryed on the 15s in size 10 and they felt great had them on for like 45 min and had no hot spots or anything..so would i need the same size in the z airs?

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its like a reversal of the other post. but just to add to this positively. s15's are alot more comfort based than the z-airs were, so goin from old to new means they should be fine because comfort is increased. however going the other way i would say you have to try them on, because they take quite a bit of breaking in and any hot spots would be hell. s15s fit slightly wider as mentioned so i would say you need to try them on. im sure you could sell them if ur getting them on the cheap.

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