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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate help

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It's been awhile since I've played took year and a half off. I use to skate on 8090s and they fit great was in a regular width. Went looking around locally and have not seen them around. Any idea of what is similar to fit, and is a traditionally cut skate not something low?

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closest in fit to an 8090 would probably be the supreme series (not the one90). Basically the supreme 70, 50, 30, etc.

8090s are wide and deep. Other skates that will have those attributes are RBKs, Flexlites, and Graf 709/G9/G70 Ultra. Each of these skates will have different features, and your best bet would be to try them all on to see which one sits on your foot the best.

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if you don't mind the cost, go with customs and have them do it with 1 less eyelet on a custom boot. Your credit card company will thank you. I would suggest talking to your LHS if you are interested


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The one95 C hmmm...never heard of it...And why would having a custom with one less eyelet be for me...that would lead to a lower feel to the skate...not really what i was looking for.

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Supreme 70s are your best bet and they should even go on closeout at some point after the first of the year. Sizing and fit should be very, very similar to your 8090s.

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