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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rare Tiger beheadedat Bejing zoo

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I've always said there will be wealthy individuals who will one day proudly show off their display of "the hands/feet from the last living gorilla."

It wouldn't surprise me if this tiger's head was for one of those individuals to get an early start.

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I've always believed that the support of some endangered species have been absurd. Animals with limited diets or very small natural ranges are ripe for eventual extinction. It's the ability to adapt that ensures the survival of the species.

Those thoughts go out the window when you see something as obscene as this. It's unfortunate that asian societies still traffic in elephant, rhino, shark, whale and other endangered animal products. It's utterly disgusting to see things like this happening.

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Colin, thats the thing, they never will because the world will never come to the mentality of acting like that.

To the original subject, that's just something brutal and sickening.

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Tiger skins are sold on the black market in China, and tiger parts are used in traditional medicines.

What is about the Chinese where they have to use parts of endangered animals to get their d*cks hard? Is viagra made entirely of ground-up elephant tusks and blue dye? I don't get it...

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These animals probably weren't on the verge of extinction when they started these traditions, but I see your point.

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It is disgusting and disturbing but many of these societies regard these items as almost holy. Think about how cows are nothing more than dinner in America, but practically worshiped in India.

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