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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just got out the hospital after an emergency appendectomy and was wondering if anyone else has had this done, and how long before you were ready to play again. I've been told to do no more than light exercise for 2 weeks, but I was wondering if anyone has any feedback on recovery time. Thanks,

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I got one done two days after my birthday in 1995. I think I started to play about a month later. Mine was really bad - so they had to cut me open, not the little dots they now do for people.

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One of the guys I coached with last year had it done and wasn't allowed on ice for two weeks or play for at least a month. He only missed one practice.

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A month, yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Thanks for the feedback, boys. No skates and no appendix...I guess God wants me to swing a golf club this summer.

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That may not be a good thing either. You generate a lot of torque playing golf

Actually, the only thing I generate playing golf is a lot of empty beer cans. :P

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Three dot scope. Doctors said the operation went very well, and don't expect any complications. Fun day of yawning and drooling. While I can't stand up, I feel so much better. blackhawks4ever, you're a doctor arn't you?

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I had mine out... the summer before last I think. Mine was really bad, it burst friday and i didn't get the surgery until sunday. I was hospitalized for a week, and didn't get back on the ice for about a month.

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Yeah I'm a doc. You'll be back at full speed in 3 weeks max if the appy didn't burst of leak (did they put you on antibiotics??). Enjoy the timeoff, and let your body heal right the first time!!!! :blink:

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No, they didn't put me on antibiotics. I'm guessing that's a positive, suggesting the doctor's confidence in my speedy recovery vs professional oversite. He was a good doc. I guess the appendix is supposed to curl up like a shrimp in severe cases then burst. Mine (they took pictures) was shrimp-ish, but didn't burst. Are there any exercises I can/should be doing to speed my recovery? I asked my doc, but he said essentially what you said: Relax and recover.

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The antibiotics are only needed if the appy ruptured( this also would prolong your recovery). The fact that it was a closed (leproscopic) surgery, and it was not ruptured you'll heal quickly. Maybe you can spend the time off watching videos of games and pick up some ne moves :lol:

No need to be doing exercises, let you body heal

BTW I'm an ER doc so I usually just diagnose this problem and send them to the surgeon ;)

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