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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New cell phone

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So I want to get a cell phone, I would like to get one that can also be used as an MP3 player too, since my ipod got stolen :angry:. I will use this phone for college next year too so I want to get a three year plan. I also want to get a really cheap phone, perferably under 50$. So I was looking at the Bell website and these were some of the options I found:

Lg muziq http://www.bell.ca/shopping/en_CA_QC/66069...tractId=term36m

Sanyo S1 http://www.bell.ca/shopping/en_CA_QC/96162...tractId=term36m

LG Chocolate http://www.bell.ca/shopping/en_CA_QC/95436...tractId=term36m

BlackBerry Pearl http://www.bell.ca/shopping/en_CA_QC/66282...tractId=term36m

Which of these would you recomend for my situation?

Thanks in advance, Michael9

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Don't be cheap. If you want a nice phone that does nice things you gotta spend some money. The chocolate sucks. The EnV is decent and its price has dropped quite a bit since when it first came out. You can buy different size memory cards for music for it.

EDIT: I wouldn't get the muziq either. I had the phone, I think it was like VX8600 or some shit like that that was the same thing as the muziq it just didn't have the dial at the bottom. The thing was a piece and the sensors to read texts/skip tracks etc. went to shit after 2 or 3 months.

In my opinion any cell phone with a sensor you slide your finger over to do anything never works well for very long.

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The EnV is decent and its price has dropped quite a bit since when it first came out. You can buy different size memory cards for music for it.

Don't get me wrong, I love my EnV (LG VX8800). That being said, this phone is for a very specific target market group. I bought this phone specifically because I text like there's no tomorrow; given the choice, I'll text someone before calling them. However, the actual phone functionality (i.e. speaker and mic) leave something to be desired compared to my old clamshell VX4400. As such, be sure you buy a phone that's adapted to your needs, not just the flashiest or most expensive one you can find.

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i'd go with the pearl but you might want to check with bell because with verizon if you get a blackberry you have to get like a $40 internet plan.

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As far as I can tell, most of the phones with wi-fi are going to be out of your price range. The only ones I know of with Wi-Fi will be of the PDA/Smartphone/Pocket PC variety. I know the blackberry was on your original list, and that one should have it.

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The Blackberry phones are nice, but the trackball seems to go to shit when you get some dirt in there, just like the older trackball mice.

All US carriers disable/remove WiFi from phones except on touch screen PDA models like the iPhone and other high-end business phones.

Those phones are either at a huge premium to get Wifi or targeted towards business people who really use every feature.

What pisses me off the most is that phone carriers drop good phones and hang on to crappy phones for a long time. Motorola makes a few good phones but that shitty RAZR and its equally shitty cousins have been around for years. Meanwhile tons of great Nokia and LG phones have come and gone and are only available on the black market for several hundred dollars.

None of the carriers have good bar phones anymore either. They're all flip or slider or smart phones now.

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