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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A Christmas gift for one lucky lefty

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A few days ago I was scouring the web for over an hour and finally came up with a link for a senior left-handed XN10. This is one of the classic 3+ yr. old models that everyone loves so much but can't find anymore. Here's the link, http://item.express.ebay.com/Sportin...mdZExpressItem

Since everyone here has been such a big help to me, I wanted to post this and hope someone enjoys it.


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A few days ago I was scouring the web for over an hour and finally came up with a link for a senior left-handed XN10. This is one of the classic 3+ yr. old models that everyone loves so much but can't find anymore. Here's the link, http://item.express.ebay.com/Sportin...mdZExpressItem

Since everyone here has been such a big help to me, I wanted to post this and hope someone enjoys it.


There is a lefty XN10 on the clearance rack in one of the Pro Shops I frequent...Anyone interested? PM me. If I was a lefty I would have already bought it up.

Edit: Just called pro shop...65 Int flex Tkachuk curve Leftie 89 bucks.

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I still want to get one but my Mission Fuel 85 flex is going to show up the day after New Years and I'm already way, way over my stick budget... Sorry, it was late at night<

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I still want to get one but my Fuel Synergy 85 flex is going to show up the day after New Years and I'm already way, way over my stick budget...

Fuel Synergy?? :unsure:

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For the people who have seen pro stock XN10's at their LHS's have you ever noticed any with rounded corners instead of the ususally boxy concave? I always wanted to try an XN10, but I didn't like the shaft shape.

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I also have a local LHS with a few left retail:

(1) Morrow LH reg flex

(1) Messier LH reg flex

(1) Messier RH reg flex

They were $100 even. Feel free to PM.

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Guitarmy Posted Dec 26 2007, 10:28 PM

They still have a ton of these (pro stock) at East West Hockey last time I was there.

I just got an email back from EWH and they don't have any in stock, which sucks because I was looking forward to picking up multiple XN10's.

EDIT: anyone else have shops around them with XN10's? I'm looking for mostly whip but possibly regualr flex too.

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