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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Swedish Hockey Helmets

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I am watching the world junior hockey championships and I notice that some on the Swedish team are wearing what looked to be the old Jofa style helmets, but they have the RBK logo. I looked it up on the Swedish site and see that RBK offers this helmet as the 5K in Sweden. Is this helmet available in North America? If not, I am beginning to wonder if Jofa isn't on the way out as a brand name here in North America. If you note, even their protective gear is now not having the Jofa name displayed as prominantly. It's almost as if the "Powered by Jofa" is added to the RBK logo as an afterthought. Kind of a shame as another brand name that helped build hockey is being totally swallowed up by the big corporate giants in the sporting goods biz.

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They are the Jofa 690 relabeled as Rbk 5K, and with white earloops instead of black ones like the 690 had, other than that I'm not sure if they are any different. I have no idea if it's sold in North America, or elsewhere in Europe for that matter, but it's still a pretty popular model in Sweden.

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They are the Jofa 690 relabeled as Rbk 5K, and with white earloops instead of black ones like the 690 had, other than that I'm not sure if they are any different. I have no idea if it's sold in North America, or elsewhere in Europe for that matter, but it's still a pretty popular model in Sweden.

Same bucket as in your avatar, right? 690s can be found stateside via eBay or random online sightings. Not a bad bucket, IMHO, but I'm an NBH man.

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I had a 690 for almost five years and still haven't found a helmet that fit as well as it did. Great protection and in my opinion the lightest on the market. I'm in the Bauer 8500 now. Pretty decent helmet for comfort and protection but not as light as the 690.

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