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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood RM9

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Well I own a RM7 and I think that the only difference between the RM7 and the RM9 is the blade (foam core with the RM9) It's not too heavy. And the price is good so I'd buy one.

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I have used the RM9 and IMO it is heavy compared to my Stealth, the puck feel was good. The stick also felt as if it was never going to break.

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I have used the RM9 and IMO it is heavy compared to my Stealth, the puck feel was good.

Well comparing a Stealth (top of the line expensive stick) to a SWD RM9 (more affordable mid-range stick) is pretty predictable.

I couldn't find the RM9's weight but it would be a little more reasonable to compare it with similar sticks like...Bauer endures, Warrior Royales and Synergy 300, i guess?

As far as i know, the RM9 is a favorite in this price range.

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