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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Xbox 360

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Hey, I just bought an Xbox 360 with xmas money/gift certs. I also bought the Rocketfish HDMI cable. On the back of my TV, the only input for an HDMI cord is being occupied by the Shaw box. However on the back of the Shaw box is an input for another HDMI cord. My question is, if i plug one end of the Rocketfish into the 360 and the other end into the Shaw box, will the "HD" go through Rocketfish, through the Shaw box and through the other HD cord into the TV?

Just as a side comment, markup for these cords is insane. Regular 89.99$ and using my buddies Future Shop discount i got it for 7.25$. Screw the man. :)

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No idea...

...same with just about any cord. About 4 years ago at bestbuy a 7' ethernet cable was like $30. I bought an 80' ethernet cable at 20% over cost for $7.

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on the topic of HDMI cords, do they really make that much of a difference? i've got a 26" HD tv, but i've been reading opinions out on the net saying that the cord is useless unless you've got a 50"+ tv to play on. is there any weight to this?

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Well, as I understand it, HDMI is the only way to get somehting (PS3, Blu-Ray, HD DVD, or 360, etc.) to run at 1080p which is the highest resolution.

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Well, as I understand it, HDMI is the only way to get somehting (PS3, Blu-Ray, HD DVD, or 360, etc.) to run at 1080p which is the highest resolution.

i heard that it just enhances whatever resolution that your tv runs at. but i could be totally wrong.

another question, if i use the HDMI cord, do i not need the HD AV cord? the one with the green, blue, red, yellow, and other things attached. Because it's only possible for me to plug in one of them

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