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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate holders

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I've done some searching and can't seem to find the answer

why am I always reading posts of people of people changing the holder to tuuk's mostly? is there something special with that holder over other holders? or is it just personel preference? I am on cobra's now and really have no idea what advantages/disadvantages I have over tukk's

very newby question, but something I've wondered for a while.

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i swapped Tuuks for E-Pro's just b/c the E-Pro's felt too flat for me..

basically all PP

i like the LS2 but i kno a lot of ppl who prefer the Custom+, i dont kno y tho

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Personal preference.

Although, IMHO, I suspect a lot has to do with a lot of the pro's using Tuuks. CCM holders were a little 2nd rate compared to tuuks for a while as some complained the wide stance of the holder just under the forefoot would bump a bit in tight cornering (but I call bull - if you're cutting that tight I doubt your blade will hold it anyway).

ANYWAY, still personal preference.

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